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After caroling in the streets

Passing out candy-filled shoeboxes stuffed with tinker toys 

We got a gingerbread tea for an after ministry treat

Family dinner with a squad followed by worship noise 


Singing silent night 

Hand in hand, heading to the house 

We restrung the lights 

Taping up paper snowflakes and the tree with Santa 


It was Christmas Eve

Using printer paper I wrapped my team’s gifts 

Placing them under our poster tree

Next to the array matching fuzzy socks from thrift 


The next morning Christmas came 

We all sat around and opened our presents in our  Coats 

While the goodness of Jesus was proclaimed 

I got a journal, candy, socks, and notes 


Then came a traditional Romanian Christmas meal 

I tried my first cabbage roll 

It was so good I was tempted not to steal 

My sisters and I skipped home with hearts half full 


The other half was in the States

I face-timed my family for hours on end 

Then came the Christmas service, already full from the meal we ate 

Oh how glad I am to call Jesus my friend


I read the Bible story at night

Thinking about an innocent baby hanging on a cross

Thank you, God for the ultimate sacrifice 

Without you, this season would be a loss


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