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Thoughts & Inspiration

Today is a sad day. Goodbyes are never easy and this is no exception. When I first met my team leader, Sydney, and heard she would be with us until mid December, that parting date seemed an eternity away. Time always has a way of outrunning your inner clock. I have learned so much from all the team leaders and I can confidently say that my squad reflects the kingdom in a way that would not have been possible without seeing the way that they lived, loved, and led. 

Katie:  What a humble leader. Her voice is soft, but her words are strong. Clothed in dignity and strength she really is a living example of what a Proverbs 31 woman looks like. Katie has taught me the importance of humility, especially when leading.The way she leads with loud silence instead of insignificant speech like most has shown me the benefits of being slow to speak and quick to listen.

I am a better person because of the way you have led me. 

Elina:  What a woman filled with zeal and intensity. Her smile is always bright and genuine; a window to her curious and confident soul. Her essence exudes stability to everyone who steps into her safe space. Elina has taught me the importance of being a servant. The way she puts others before herself has pushed me to want to find joy in being servant-hearted and creating a safe space for others.

I am a better person because of the way you have taught me. 

Cole: What a natural leader who knows the importance of laughter. I will miss hearing Coles laugh as much as I will miss hearing him worship. Cole has taught me to fall in love with musical worship again. The way he worships in abandonment and awe every time he gets out his guitar has caused me to do the same in both laughter and reverence.

I am a better person because of the way you have worshiped with me. 

Ellie: What a kind, kindred soul of mine. From trading clothes to our deep theological conversations, I think what is unsaid between us is what I will miss most. You treat everyone with honor. You never just talk the talk, you always walk the walk. The way your actions reflect the Father’s in how you live has taught me what Jesus meant by “They will know you are my children by the way you love each other”.

I am a better person because of the way you have loved me. 

Sydney: What a wonder of the creator. My lovely team leader. You worship the Lord with every emotion, and with every action. The way that you use your imagination to give God glory has shown me how I can use my creativity as a form of praise. The way you use your mind, tears, and laughter as ways to advance the kingdom has made me want to use my gifts to do the same.

I am a better person because of the way you create with me. 


3 responses to “The One Where the Team Leaders Leave”

  1. Kori Jane. You’ve always had such a way with words. I love you deeply. You’ve been a gift to my life

  2. Kori! I love how beautifully written this is. I know how well you loved our TLs so it’s beautiful to read how they impacted you deeply. this is beautiful